Student Academic Progress

Student academic progress is tracking the students learning throughout the academic year as well as throughout their academic career. Collecting this data helps the teacher monitor who in the class is grasping the concepts and who needs extra support. 

A good way to look at students’ academic progress is pre and post assessments.  A pre-assessment is important when checking for growth and gives teachers a start point for each student and a baseline. The final assessments is a way to track student growth, and can also be given to assess the teachers’ ability to teach a topic or concept. During my student teaching experience I didn’t personally give a pre and post test and when reflecting on my unit I realized how useful that piece of knowledge is when assessing the class on the overall unit. 


I believe the best way to  look into a students progress is having a conversation with that student. You can learn so much about a student and their knowledge by simple asking them questions and engaging in a conversation. I found that engaging in conversation when walking to dismissal or recess the students felt more comfortable and confident to share with you their knowledge. This was also a time to listen to their knowledge about their interests and other subjects. 

Each week the first grade team would meet with the reading specialist and the principal to discuss and collect data. The group would discuss what modification and assistance can be given to students that are struggling in reading and/or math. The primary goal of these meetings are to identify which students need extra assistance and how the teacher can best assist the student. Teachers viewed data collected from sites where students worked  independently on math or reading. For example, throughout the day students had opportunities to work on their reading skills by visiting RAZkids or their math skills by visiting IXL. Students also had access to these sites from home. Being able to view this data allowed teachers to grasp a better understanding of a students academic progress. 

Below is a link to my paper about the student academic progress standard. 
