Learning Environment

The purpose of the learning environment standard is to establish sufficient behavior and classroom management. The primary goal of this standard is to have teachers show an understanding of sufficient and non-sufficient behavior management. Strong learning environments create a welcoming and safe space for students to grow academically. This standard is demonstrated by arranging of the classroom to maximize learning while providing a safe environment, establishing rules and procedure, and creating a space of trust and teamwork by being caring, respectful and enthusiastic. 

Below is a picture of the classroom where I completed my student teaching. The classroom was well light, inviting, and provide a safe place for students. While each student had their own learning space the desks were clumped together allowing students to work together or ask for help from a classmate. The desks were arranged in the classroom so each student could easily see the board and there was enough space to walk around the room. 

A big part of the learning environment is classroom management. Classroom management organizes the room and sets rules and boundaries for students. Rules and procedures are established during the first few weeks of schools so students are aware of the expectations.


From a young age I have had a passion for teaching. I believe it’s important for students to see that passion and instill a love for learning within each student. Below are pictures of cards students shared with me on my last day. It warmed my heart to see students share my passion and recognize me as another teacher within their class. 

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Below is my paper on the learning environment standard. 

learningenvironment pps