Classroom Management

The purpose of my classroom is to create an atmosphere, which promotes respectful, intelligent and well-mannered students. My classroom will provide the opportunity for students to engage with their curiosities of the world around them.  A teacher’s worst nightmare is a classroom filled with chaotic and inattentive students. To avoid this it is essential for the teacher to develop a classroom management plan and effectively share the plan with their students. Students need to understand what is expected from them the moment they walk into the classroom. The first couple of weeks, in the beginning of the school year, should be dedicated to sharing and reviewing the classroom expectations. The ultimate goal and measure of an effective classroom management plan is how well the class runs when the teacher is not present in the classroom. If the teacher is successful at expressing their expectations, then their class should run as if they were there, even when they are not.

Below is my classroom management plan. Part’s one and two are letters  of communication to parents and students and part three is a detailed plan for the first day of school, how to handle poor behavior and positive situations. 




Above is a picture of classroom rules that were posted in my student teaching classroom.